Amelia has been a registered psychologist for eight years and has completed a Masters of Clinical Psychology. She has experience assessing and treating children and their families, using evidence-based practice. She has worked with children and young people with complex emotional and behavioural difficulties and disorders, as well as in adult mental health – in both non-government and government settings, and now in private practice. She is a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the APS college of Clinical Psychology. She is also an authorised clinician for the Children’s Court Clinic.
In her role at LSC Psychology, Amelia works primarily with children and families, conducting parenting capacity assessments, and providing reports for the Children’s Court, Family Court and for the Department of Family and Community Services. She delivers comprehensive psychological assessments which include psychometric testing for cognitive abilities, memory problems, mental health disorders and other comorbid issues as required. In child protection cases involving concerns around neglect or harm, she carries out risk assessments as necessary. Amelia also conducts assessments for out of home care placements, guardianship and adoption. She is an Independent Expert on family violence for the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), and an Authorised Clinician for the Children’s Court Clinic. Additionally, she conducts assessments for pre-sentencing reports and other mental health forensic assessments. In addition, Amelia provides treatment for children, young people and families for a range of clinical disorders and mental health issues. She has experience in assessing, diagnosing and treating a range of clinical mental health disorders, attachment disorders, trauma and other psychological issues for individuals and families, as well as delivering group treatment programs. Amelia also provides training to other professionals who work with children and families.
Amelia completed a Graduate Certificate in Developmental Trauma and has a specific interest in working with those children who have experienced childhood abuse and / or neglect, and their parents or carers. She specialises in completing trauma informed assessments for children in order to guide ongoing intervention processes and provide goal directed guidance to carers, parents and services involved in the child’s ongoing care.
Prior to joining LSC, Amelia spent seven years working for NSW Health at Coral Tree Family Service. Here she worked with children and their families, from across NSW, with complex mental health and behavioural difficulties. In this work, Amelia has developed experience in managing children who show aggression and emotion regulation difficulties, and specific skills in assisting parents to process and debrief from these intense and often traumatic incidents. She has worked closely with local Primary and SSP schools, supporting students in behaviour management plans, as well as providing support and consultation to school networks on managing challenging student behaviours within the school context.